Le Guess Who? | Communication Arts
Responses by Ramdath Mos.
Background: Le Guess Who? is an international music festival and a celebration of sound in Utrecht, Netherlands. For its fifteenth iteration this year, from November 9 to 12, I created this website to inform users about the festival and sell tickets. Dedicated to boundary-crossing music and culture from all over the world, Le Guess Who? platforms underrepresented sounds rarely heard in other places—sounds that have the power to enrich lives.
Larger picture: The festival keeps in touch with the public all year, so the website offers a wealth of great content, recordings, videos, podcasts and long reads.
Favorite details: The exciting use of images, the interactive use of scrolling and the color. The blur effects fit the theme. Even though the site is large, we managed to keep it user-friendly.
New lessons: It is great to explore, push boundaries and learn from making mistakes. Something new will emerge as a result.
Navigation structure: The festival comprises three domains on the website—Le Guess Who?; Cosmos, a hybrid remote and in-person music festival; and U? Festival, a free, one-day program made with the city of Utrecht.
Technology: CSS, HTML, Laravel, Java, MySQL and PHP.
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