The Best Age For a Newborn Photo Shoot


Do you have any questions about the ideal age to book a newborn photography session? You might be interested in booking a newborn photography session but aren’t sure how long it takes to reach the official “newborn” stage. I can help!

Some newborn photographers place a limit on the number of newborn photos taken. There is no reason to limit newborn photos sessions for babies as young as three or four weeks. It’s never too early! A newborn photo shoot should be done as soon as possible.

If you are looking for a relaxed newborn shoot with lots and lots of tea and zero stress, Christina Louise Photos might be the right photographer for you!

Babies Younger Than Two Weeks Old (Where Possible)

With years of experience as a newborn photographer, I have photographed lots of newborn babies. If possible, schedule your newborn baby shoot around two weeks after you are due. For a newborn photographer, the best age to shoot a newborn baby photo is between 7-10 days. This age group is still quite chilled and cuddled up, so they are often very sleepy. You will want to keep a record of your newborn baby’s teeniest moments!

A newborn photo shoot is the perfect age to capture a baby’s beautiful curled-up sleeping, snuggles with their parents, and photos of them eating (if they want them). It’s also a wonderful time to take beautiful photos with babies and their siblings. Although babies won’t be conscious of smiling yet, I have been known to capture at most newborn photo shoots at least one windy smile.

Only 5% of babies are born on time. About a third of them arrive early and two-thirds arrive late. It’s safe to assume that your baby won’t rush to get out of bed on the first day. Two weeks after your due date works well as a provisional time for booking your newborn photo shoot.

A Quick Note..

The ideal age to shoot a newborn portrait in a studio is between 5-12 days. Rarely are you able to find a younger baby. Think curled up in a basket/hammock/bucket or posed like a little frog… these poses can only be achieved before baby’s tiny bones fuse together and they’re still really curled up and ‘malleable’! 

This post was written by a photographer at Christina Louise Photos. Christina ​​specializes in Newborn Photography In Lakeland FL capturing the intimate moments of maternity, motherhood, and childhood. As visual storytellers, we turn your most intimate moments into lasting memories. Contact us today to learn more about scheduling a photo shoot!